Saturday, September 22, 2012

AT&T 4G LTE Now Available in Major Cities

I recently changed my wireless service from Verizon Wireless to AT&T and got an iPhone because I not only liked the idea that I could talk and surf the web, but i also needed a phone that was going to keep up with all my foolishness simultaneously. Since the iPhone 5 had been announced, I was seriously entertaining the idea of going back to Verizon Wireless to take advantage of their expansive 4G LTE network. Something told me to look and see what I find out about the other wireless carriers launching LTE in major cities. Low and behold, I go onto AT&T's website and I see a listing of the cities now servicing LTE, and my city (Philadelphia) is there in black and white. I do some more research to find out when this change took effect, and it looks like this was turned on September 14, 2012 (same date as the announcement of the iPhone 5 which is LTE capable).

I must say, this has probably saved me as an AT&T customer. :)

To check out which cities have launched 4G LTE on AT&T's network, check it out here:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

New iPhone to Possibly Support LTE

Just read an article from the Wall Street Journal that suggests that the new iPhone 5 could possibly support LTE networks. Can I just tell you that would be an AMAZING thing for Apple. Now if only we could get ALL U.S. carriers to support TRUE 4G coverage.

To check out the WSJ article, check this out:

HTC One X Upset

So I was completed INFATUATED with the HTC One X. To me, it was the android phone I'd love to never have. I've used it a couple times and I just LOVE the battery life on it. Didn't really use the phone in my usual capacity (no music playing for hours on end. Just texting, web browsing, facebooking, and of course picture taking), but I knew if I didn't have my iPhone I would surely have this. One of my girlfriends tells me she is in the market for a new phone and would like to know my recommendations for a phone with AT&T. I gave her a suggestion of a low end smartphone since she has never had one before. She said she wanted a newer model phone so she didn't have to worry about her phone being obsolete in a couple of months. of course I told her about the HTC One X. She liked all the features of the phone and asked me about removable memory. I told her the phone didn't have removable memory but had more than enough space for what she is going to be using it for (16GB of internal memory). She asked if she could get the same phone with more memory like you can with the iphone. I wasn't sure, but I didn't think so. Come to find out you can't! The phone ONLY comes in 16GB. That was a MAJOR bummer for me since I'm the kind of person who is about to max out a 32GB iPhone. That just made my hope of this being an amazing phone dwindle down to just another toy to play with! :'(

For more information on the HTC One X, check out specs here:

To purchase your HTC One X, check this out:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

iPhone 5 Rumors

As some of you may know, I am obsessed with my iPhone. So when the rumors of the iPhone 5 started, I began to get that much more excited. We have heard MANY rumors regarding it's form and function, but it seems like some of those rumors are beginning to prove true. As of 9/4/12, Apple OFFICIALLY started releasing information indicating that the 5 is come much sooner than later.

Now I know some of you are thinking this isn't much to go off of, but to me, this spoke VOLUMES! 9/12/12 is when an Apple press release is scheduled and I am willing to be money this is where the iPhone 5 will be announced. I don't think the phone will be coming out on the 12th, but I'm sure it will be coming out shortly thereafter. Now that the word is out on the press release, we have even began to see some possible pictures and videos surface of what the iPhone 5 will look like. 

Check out this video I watched. If this is what we have to look forward to just on the form alone, there's no telling what fun goodies this phone will be packed with. 

The only thing I wish they didn't do was put that headphone jack at the bottom. I guess I just don't like certain kinds of! I'll deal with it though.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Flash Player Woes

I was recently asked a question regarding whether or not there was going to be a new type of flash player that would be available on ALL mobile phones and replace Adobe Flash Player. Now I have heard rumors about iPhone possibly coming out with their own flash player to be compatible with their Apple products, but more things are nowadays just rumors.

I go to check out some information on the internet and I come across an article on CONFIRMING that Adobe is doing away with Adobe Flash Player for Mobile and will concentrate more on their HTML5 contributions (see article here).

Now as I'm reading the article, I'm not going to lie, I was kind of confused. The article didn't really go into detail to determine what HTML5 was. So I go digging a little deeper and find out that HTML5 is a more detailed coding on websites on the back end which allow for more digital viewing (i.e. gaming, videos, etc.) without having to use a plug-in (Adobe Flash Player, QuickTime, etc.) to view them. This effort will allow a more streamlined viewing across any operating system. There are many websites that have started to implement HTML5 (including Pandora internet radio, and Bing) which is a good thing for an iPhone user like me. Now I won't feel COMPLETELY slighted and can view more videos on my mobile device.

Check out this video I found on YouTube for a brief overview on what HTML5 is:

Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Samsumg Galaxy S III Disappointment

Most of you know that I have been busting out of the seams to use the new Samsung Galaxy S III. I am just dying to find out how this phone stacks out to my iPhone 4S. I have been SSOO interested in just finding out what little quirky features they have added that will make my life that much more simpler. I decided I was going to go to my local Verizon Wireless store to go play with it and hold it in my hands. I immediately asked for assistance because I knew there were things in particular I needed to find out that the phone did/didn't do. If any of you have ever read my blog, you guys would know that I have had a bit of issues with not only Verizon phones, but Samsung phones (see my post This Samsung Fascinte!). I have had issue with call waiting and call conferencing. Now I just KNEW that since this phone is so new and innovative, that this issue would SURELY be addressed and fixed. I go to the Verizon rep and explain specifically what I need to test because this was something that was important. We test it out, and what do we find out?? That Samsung's software STILL doesn't allow call conferencing where you can switch between calls, or merging a call while using call waiting. That literally CRUSHED me! My newest most favoritest (I know that's not a toy was gone before I even owned it. All in all I'm glad that I figured it out before I spent the money. Now I just need Samsung to work on this to make it a reality (PRETTY PLEASE w/ sugar on top)!
No Samsung for me! :(


My Mom's New Phone
My mom, my brother, and I all took a trip to our local Verizon Wireless store so I could get some information on a phone I liked. In the process, we came across a really good promotion Verizon was offering that was going to end that same night. The promotion allowed you to get any 4G phone in the store with a new 2-year agreement with $75 off the 2-year pricing. It was so weird because I literally talked to my brother no more than an hour ago about getting Cricket. Since it was a really good deal, we wound up getting him an LG Sprectrum. The phone was normally $149.99, but we paid 74.99 w/ a $50 mail-in rebate. That means his phone will come to $25! My mom was so excited she was getting a good deal, she said what the heck, I might as well get one too! I asked her if she was sure because I know how much she HATES signing contracts with the wireless companies. She said "I don't see why not?!? I'm getting a $150 phone for $25 after it's all said and done, and to be quite honest with you, we both know I'm not leaving Verizon!" I INSTANTLY got excited because I have been wanting her to upgrade to a smartphone for some time now. And the fact that she was on board just made me so happy for her.

Now my mom FINALLY has a smartphone! I know this is a good thing for her, but I also know she is going to be calling me left and right trying to figure out how to use the thing. I don't really mind because I know that it will make things simpler for the BOTH of us in the long run! :)

P.S. The first app she downloaded was Brick Breaker (she was SSOO excited for!

For more information on the LG Spectrum, visit:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man Review

I went to see the Amazing Spider Man on Tuesday and I must say, I was NOT impressed! Unfortunately I was kind of disappointed. I don't quite know what I was expecting, but I left out of the movie thinking "how many ways can you spin the same story?" OH WELL! At least I got to have some nachos while I was! :)

Apple iOS 6 Preview

When I go onto my laptop into Safari, the Apple website is the first thing that normally pops up. Unfortunately I almost always never look at it when it first pops up because I am more than likely looking for something on the internet. This time, I stopped and looked at the website. The thing that caught my eye was the iOS 6 Preview. Now I have known for some weeks now that iOS 6 is going to be coming out sometime in the fall, but I never paid much attention to what specifically was changing or updating. As I am reading over everything, I started to get excited. Not at the fact that these were incredibly AMAZING updates, but because these updates seem like they will improve functionality tremendously!

One of the features that I'm anticipating is the updated Maps. I am SSSOOO glad that I will finally be able to get AUDIBLE turn-by-turn navigation to where I am going. For all the android users, I know they could care less because Google Maps Navigation has been doing that for some time now. And to be quite honest with you, I have been using Mapquest which provides audible navigation quite well. Another feature that I think will be used quite frequently will be the Facebook integration. iOS 5 allowed us to integrate our pictures, locations, and contacts through Twitter. Now that facebook has been added to the list, it will just make using our Apple products that more interesting and cool.

One feature I think I personally could care less about would be the updated Siri (sorry Siri). As much as  I would love to say that she has made my life more simple by having her in my life, that statement just  wouldn't be true. I have tried using Siri in my everyday life, and I find that she is really effective at only making calls and sending message at BEST! 

Overall, I think that if the iPhone 5 comes out sometime this year (fingers crossed), since I'm not eligible for an upgrade anytime soon, iOS 6 will allow me the time to just wait until my upgrade date.

For more info on the iOS 6 preview, check it out here:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Quest For a Mommy Friendly Smartphone

For the people who like my facebook page Nicki's Tech Talk, they know I have been looking for a smartphone for my mom. She currently has Verizon and has been using a Samsung Alias for about the last two years. She likes her phone, but she has really been driving home that she needs something that is a little more user friendly in terms of her e-mails being received. I suggested that she start looking into what she might like, but that was kind of a lost cause since she has NO IDEA what she likes. I decided to take her to the Verizon Wireless store so she could see what was out there and what she could actually use. She INSTANTLY walked up to the iPhone! I almost felt like pulling her away because she KNOWS she has no idea how to work an iPhone.

My plan was to start her off with a touch screen android phone with physical buttons since she has that with her Alias. I pointed her in the direction of the Motorola Droid 4. She used it for all of 5 minutes just to figure out how to setup the e-mail and quickly moved on. She then saw the Razr Maxx which I didn't mind because it would have the battery life she would appreciate, the screen was big enough, and it was thin enough where she wouldn't mind. She tried to call me and said it felt like holding a thin brick to her face. After I laughed HYSTERICALLY, she walked over to a little smartphone called the LG Lucid. I really didn't know too much about it, but I said, go for it. She liked the size of it, she liked how the phone sounded and felt when she made a call on it. She then stumbled onto the alarm on the phone. We started to set the alarm and it had a feature to change the snooze time duration. She INSTANTLY started glowing! That feature made her so happy that she was ready to get the phone right then and there.

Just for shits and giggles, I asked her to play with the iPhone 4S, and she definitely liked how the touchscreen performed. She was having a little trouble with the Android keyboard, but when I explained that she could download another keyboard from the android market, she kind of glazed!

All in all I think it is a toss up between the LG Lucid and the iPhone 4S. I think I may have to side on the Lucid just because I don't think he's quite ready for an iPhone. Plus she should start off small and then work her way up to the big boys. Let me know your thoughts and opinions by either leaving a comment on the blog or by liking my Facebook page and voting on my poll question for which phone she should get. Feel free to add your suggestions!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Asus Transformer Tablet Mix-Up

My aunt is in the market for a tablet, and she asked me about a month or so ago what I thought she should get. I told her she should consider either an iPad 2, or an Asus Transformer Prime. Since she wanted and Android tablet, the Transformer Prime it was since it had the latest Android operating system (Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich). When she brought it up to me again yesterday, I was so excited. To my surprise, I call around to a bunch of different stores to make sure they are in stock, and low and behold I can't find not ONE Transformer Prime.

I take to the internet of course and find out that a new Asus Transformer tablet had been released as of 4/29/12. It pretty much replaced the Transformer Prime (less the Prime of course) with a few new tweaks (better wifi and sleeker design for example). I think all in all, my auntie will be VERY pleased with this tablet! And I hope she lets me play with it!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gorilla Glass

With the emergence of all these new electronic devices, there is one thing that I have been hearing on a consistent basis which is Gorilla Glass. Naturally by it's name I assumed that it was some kind of durable glass being used on phones, but I looked into it more in detail. From what I have read, this is the new age in more strong, durable glass. It is a really thin glass used on most laptops, smartphones, and even tv's. I think that if it can withstand major scratches and nicks, and last longer than standard glass, I am all for it. And since I am know for dropping my phone and cracking my glass, this gorilla glass is right on time!

To check if your device has Gorilla Glass, click here:

The Best Galaxy For Me

Ok so since I have seen and used this Samsung Galaxy Note, I can't seem to stop thinking about it. And all I keep thinking is "This thing is just SSOO BIG"! I have been seeing all the commercials about how this is supposed to be a hybrid between a phone and a tablet, but I just can't wrap my brain around that. I see a huge phone that makes it more difficult for me to do things with because of the size.

With all that being said, I think that the next best thing FOR ME (because I know anybody reading this would think I'm crazy not to go with the newest phone) would be the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket. It pretty much has 98% of the features the Note has (less the obvious screen size and S-Pen), and I still get the perks of having a large size screen without compromising the fact that I still am using a phone.

So now my next mission is to get one, play with it for about a month and see how it stacks up to my iPhone 4S. I got an idea on which one will come out on top for me!
Galaxy Note vs Galaxy S II Skyrocket

Monday, March 5, 2012


Today I got to see a demonstration going on in the King of Prussia Mall for the Samsung Galaxy Note. It allowed the public to ask questions and play with the phone more in detail. Naturally when I saw it I almost couldn't contain myself because I had SSOO many questions. In addition to playing with the phone more in detail, I got to ask important questions about the battery life, sound quality, and of course how the phone holds up to everyday use. I played around with the very basic features of the phone (i.e making calls, taking pictures, surfing the web, and downloading), and I must say I was impressed. The phone just did everything very well. I don't know that there was anything about the phone that I didn't like. 

Oh the one thing I can think of that I just couldn't stand is the SIZE! The thing is GINORMOUS! I know it is supposed to bridge the gap between a smartphone and a tablet, but my goodness! It was very awkward just holding the thing. And something as simple as trying to dial a telephone number on it was just uncomfortable. I would guess that if I were to use this phone I would just get adjusted to the size and deal with it. I have not quite gotten there yet. 

The one thing that completely sold me on this phone was the camera. I like taking pictures of myself (don't judge and the 2-megapixel front facing camera was simply AMAZING! So naturally the 8-megapixel back camera is wonderful. I know it is very vein of me to have something like the camera be the deciding factor on whether or not I would use a phone, but it's the truth. Of course all the other features just make it that more appealing.

Now I do feel there are some things that I probably would never use like the S-Pen. It's really cool in the sense that you can pretty much write anything on the screen of the phone no matter what it is. That would be something cute for when a child needs to be preoccupied, or if you are drawing a self portrait, but other than that I doubt I would have a use for it! 

All in all this thing is great and if you have the opportunity to play around with it or even purchase it, go for it! You have my seal of approval! ;-)

The "Be Noteworthy" Demonstration in King of Prussia Mall

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Smart Studio Recording Studio iPhone App

So I don't know what I was looking at, but I think I was on twitter or facebook when this app caught my eye. I don't know why but I clicked on this link and it was for an app in the App Store called Smart Studio Recording Studio. I think I have mixed views on this app. From what I have read, you can make beats and even create lyrics and everything for $9.99. From my experience, people who actually make beats use really intricate programs (i.e Pro Tools, or Logic). Since my boyfriend is a producer, I think I will have him test it out and see how it stacks up to the real thing. If it really does allow you to create studio quality music, this will be a really good app especially for the artist/producers who like to create on the fly and can use their iPhone or iPad. And you can't beat the price! I'm just a little leery as to making a song on something as small as an iPhone. Then again, I don't make! The jury is still out, but I will keep you guys posted. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cricket Wireless Experience

I just wanted to share with you guys my not so fortunate experience I had with Cricket Wireless. One of my friends has service with them and recently broke her phone. Obviously this was a good time to get a brand new one. She decided she wanted to go with the Huawei Mercury. She goes into one of her local stores and they tell her they are sold out pretty much everywhere. If she wanted to get one, she should try going online to order one. She goes online, but it only allows her to order a new phone with new service or add a line. Of course she doesn't want to do that! She just wants to replace her phone. I told her I would call Cricket's customer service number for her since she had a lot of things going on. I call, and their automated system tells you that if you are looking to start new service they can help. If looking to upgrade, visit your local store. Well that of course wasn't going to work. I hit "0" to speak with a representative where I got a surprisingly nice lady who pretty much told me that the only time you can buy a new phone if you already have service is through the stores and pay full price. If you want discounted pricing, you have to add a line or start new service and pay for the first month of service along with the price of the phone.

After getting off the line, I just thought that was the dumbest thing I had ever heard! It just doesn't make sense to limit the availability of products to customers. But I guess they can do that since the customers have no contract, termination fees, or accountability. You TRULY get what you pay for!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Introducing Evi

So I was perusing through my normal techy based websites, and I come across this twitter post about this Siri competitor called Evi. It is pretty much the an app which is the same concept as Siri, but for android and non 4S iphones. Now I am thinking to myself can this really be like Siri? How do they differ? Which one is better? The company that makes Evi is called True Knowledge, and they have a ton of information in their data bank. Evi is like Siri in the sense that it is an interactive tool that pulls information from this data bank and when asking Evi a question, it is supposed to be more interactive than Siri. What I mean by that, is Evi is supposed to be a true "Artificial Intelligence" which produces pure information, whereas Siri is more proned to provide a web based search engine to produce the information asked. One point for Evi! Now though Evi is more information based, Siri is supposed to be more efficient at the personal assistance of it all such as reminders, calendar appointments, etc. Evi does not have the capability to perform those sorts of tasks AS OF YET! One point for Siri!

With all this being said, I think for all the non 4S people out there who do not wanna give up their androids, or won't buy another phone because they are waiting for the iPhone 5, Evi will MORE than suffice. I'm sure for the people who have ran out and purchased their 4S already and refuse to use anything but, I'm sure Siri is the end all be all.

For those of you who would like to try Evi, here you go:

Android Users:

iOS users: