Thursday, July 5, 2012

Apple iOS 6 Preview

When I go onto my laptop into Safari, the Apple website is the first thing that normally pops up. Unfortunately I almost always never look at it when it first pops up because I am more than likely looking for something on the internet. This time, I stopped and looked at the website. The thing that caught my eye was the iOS 6 Preview. Now I have known for some weeks now that iOS 6 is going to be coming out sometime in the fall, but I never paid much attention to what specifically was changing or updating. As I am reading over everything, I started to get excited. Not at the fact that these were incredibly AMAZING updates, but because these updates seem like they will improve functionality tremendously!

One of the features that I'm anticipating is the updated Maps. I am SSSOOO glad that I will finally be able to get AUDIBLE turn-by-turn navigation to where I am going. For all the android users, I know they could care less because Google Maps Navigation has been doing that for some time now. And to be quite honest with you, I have been using Mapquest which provides audible navigation quite well. Another feature that I think will be used quite frequently will be the Facebook integration. iOS 5 allowed us to integrate our pictures, locations, and contacts through Twitter. Now that facebook has been added to the list, it will just make using our Apple products that more interesting and cool.

One feature I think I personally could care less about would be the updated Siri (sorry Siri). As much as  I would love to say that she has made my life more simple by having her in my life, that statement just  wouldn't be true. I have tried using Siri in my everyday life, and I find that she is really effective at only making calls and sending message at BEST! 

Overall, I think that if the iPhone 5 comes out sometime this year (fingers crossed), since I'm not eligible for an upgrade anytime soon, iOS 6 will allow me the time to just wait until my upgrade date.

For more info on the iOS 6 preview, check it out here:

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