Saturday, September 27, 2014

iOS8 Battery Killer

I updated my iPhone 5 to iOS 8.0.2, and as you can tell, it is only 1:25pm and for the SECOND time my phone is at 16% and I am in need of charging. This version operating system is by FAR the worst on battery life I have seen since using an iPhone more than 3 years ago. I really hope Apple gets it together because I am NOT pleased. Especially as an Apple consumer with TONS of their products.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

What It Means To Mean Something

In this post, I am going to take a different approach to why it is I do what I do. This blog was created because of a passion. A passion that I believe in. A passion that I want to share with others to not only believe in my passion, but to allow others to be inspired to have their own passion.

I love all things electronics and teaching people about them. In the recent year, I have learned just how important it is to not only enjoy life, but how important it is to love what you do. I recently lost my job and wasn't really sure just how I was going to take care of my household and my family. But then once I got a chance to sit and reflect, I realized that being at my job was almost toxic to my life. I realized that I wasn't being the best me because I wasn't doing something that I loved. I was doing something that I was good at because I thought I had to in order to take care of responsibility. 

I was beginning to learn that in my walk in living a more meaningful life, I had to learn to see the blessing in all things both positive and negative. I then realized that me losing my job (though it wasn't something I wanted), could be viewed as a good thing. A good thing that would allow me to not only spend more meaningful, quality time with my family, but also allow me to focus on the things that I do love. Things like helping others understand how to live more meaningful lives. I love helping people. I love sharing and teaching things to people to allow them to live more enlightened lives. I know that me working for countless corporations that cared nothing about the people who worked for their companies, but more about the bottom dollar is not something that was condusive to my life. So with this blog post, I encourage all to do something that means something. It doesn't matter if it's just a hobby, or a life changing career. You never know. The smallest of things can make such an impact on not just your life, but someone else's life in such a positive way. Never think that your idea is too small or not worth it because you are worth it to do what you love. In my eyes, that is what it means to want to mean something!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Preferred Mobile Document Viewer

One of my friends indicated to me that she was having an issue with the Polaris Office app on her smartphone. She had been trying to view documents from e-mails and for whatever reason, she was getting the below error message.

When I used Android, I loved Documents To Go. I loved the user interface, and I liked the fact that I was able to not only view, but edit and create Word, Excel, & Powerpoint documents as well as view PDF documents. And though the user interface has been updated since the last time I have used it, in my opinion, it is still one of the more reliable document viewers I have used.

For iOS users, I prefer Office Plus (Squared). The free version allows you to view and edit Word, Excel & Powerpoint documents, but I did an In-App Purchase for $5.99 to allow the ability to create documents. I must say it has been well worth the money because I am always updating someone's resume or creating spreadsheets for my grocery lists. And since I have taken advantage of the in-app purchase, I can use this app on any device I download it to. And instead of saving files on just your device, you have the option to select which cloud storage you would like to save to (my preference is always Dropbox).

If there is an app that you like or prefer for document viewing/editing, please feel free to share.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mobile Apps To Help You Save Money

In my previous post "The Importance of Couponing", I referenced apps that help me with my couponing process. Listed below are the apps that I use to not only help me find the best deals, but also keep my couponing organized. I use iOS operating systems, but some of these apps are compatible with iOS & Android.


I like shopkick because if you are going shopping, you get points just for walking into stores as well as scanning items in the store you're in. Those points can be used towards gift cards to your favorite stores and websites. You are not even obligated to buy anything in the stores you enter.


Most people are familiar with Groupon, but for those who aren't, you get amazing deals anywhere from 25%-75% on item, trips, as well as activities in your area. I have used many a groupon for things like spa days, date nights, even electronics. You can even purchase them as gifts.


The awesome thing about this app is that it provides you not only with coupon/discount options for nearby stores, but you can also look for promo codes if shopping online. It will also let you know the success rate of said discount/promo code.

Android: is by far my most utilized app. I can go on my mobile device and select what manufacturers coupons I would like to use, then I can go on the website and then print out my coupons. There are different categories you can choose from, and you can even set up loyalty cards to assist you with your savings. I use this app/website almost weekly.


This is another app that helps me out almost on a daily basis. This app I have actually been using for years. Instead of keeping your keys with you and saving all those millions of rewards cards, you have one place where you can store them. you just enter or scan your rewards card, and whenever you enter that store, your barcode will be duplicated in the app. The store can scan your phone and you take advantage of the savings.


There are many other apps that can be used to help your daily savings. Please feel free to download these apps to see how they help you with your daily savings and please feel free to share how they have helped you or other apps that you use.

The Importance Of Couponing

In trying to get my life together financially, I thought it was very important to know where my money was going. I am the type of person who feels like I understand the value of my dollar. I know how hard I work to make it so I want my money to work just as hard for me. While it was important to not only pay my bills on time, I also like to track where my money goes on a monthly basis. If you manage your money online, most banks have wonderful online tools where you can categorize your spending. When I checked this for a consecutive three months, the results were ASTOUNDING. I realized once I paid my bills, more than half of the money I had left over was going to food (that includes grocery shopping as well as eating out). This was a huge shocker for me. It not only made me realize where my money was going, but it also made me see just how much money was being wasted on miscellaneous food purchases.

I had always been a fan of the show Extreme Couponing on the TLC Channel, but I never really thought it was something I could do. It was amazing to me to see just how people could get not only good deals on the things they needed, but just how much money they could actually make just off of purchasing items that they needed and wanted. I then thought to myself if they can do it, then I most certainly can do it.

I started off with the mindset that I didn't want to go into this thinking I could get everything for free. I went into this process thinking how I could save my household money just by shopping smarter. I made sure I stuck to a couple of steps just to keep me on track:
  • Make a list of what I actually needed instead of spending money on things I saw at the time
  • Make sure to check the weekly circulars to see what could offer me the best price for what I need
  • Check in the Sunday paper and online to see if there are coupons for the things I needed on my list
  • Make a budget and STICK TO IT!

These simple things made such a difference! It allowed me to be more conscious of what I was spending, as well as allowing me to understand where the best value for my dollar is. I now use coupons for non-grocery items (i.e. clothes, restaurants, and household items). 

I also use various other apps on my phone and iPad to help along with that process (please see my blog post "Mobile Apps To Help You Save Money").

Please feel free to use some of these tips as well as share your couponing and savings ideas.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Introduction to Pinterest

One of the social sites I use daily on my quest to learn about new and exciting things is Pinterest. I was introduced to Pinterest almost a year before I actually started using it. Once I signed up for it and saw all these different categories of interest, I immediately got overwhelmed and decided this social picture board was not for me. Then I went to a family gathering and I was showing a cousin a ton of pictures I had saved in my smartphone of hairstyles that I liked. She IMMEDIATELY asked me if I was on Pinterest. I told her that I wasn't and she looked at me like I was crazy. She explained to me exactly how it works and all the wonderful things I could pin. Once I got home I logged in on my smartphone and once I set up my 5 interests, I was HOOKED. There were so many things that were on the site and what I liked was the fact that there were just as many people out there in the world who not only had the same interests as me, but it gave me a place to store all the millions of pictures I had saved on my phone (I literally had over 12,000 pictures on my phone...YIKES)!

As I started getting more familiar with the site, I felt like the possibilities were ENDLESS. I not only got to see other pins of things I loved, but it allowed me to share with others boards, pictures, and websites they wouldn't normally see. I have boards that range from hair & nail care, shoes & clothing, even crocheting. Feel free to check out my Pinterest boards by clicking on the link below or click on See My Pinterest to the right. Please feel free to repin or if you have any suggestions, comments, or would like for me to check out your Pinterest page or pins, please share in the comments section below.

My Pinterest Page

Sunday, June 8, 2014

What It's All About

The Vision:

The vision behind this blog started when I made the decision to start living a more productive life. A life that included eating healthier, cleaning up my finances, and allowing myself to become more aware of the things I come into contact with on an everyday basis and making smarter decisions in life. I also have a fond fascination with electronics and technology and love advising people on how electronics not only work, but also allowing them to work for their everyday life. Then it hit me....


Why not come up with a blog that allowed me to integrate the two. A blog that allowed me to share my experiences and views on how to live a smarter, healthier, productive life, but also showing that in today's world, technology can help us with getting to that better place. Whether it's understanding how your cell phone works, saving a couple of dollars for a college fund, or downloading an app for a recipe for a healthy dinner for your family. Throughout this blog you will find everything from recipes for homemade cleansers to apps that will help you become financially and physically fit. I use sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest along with many other apps and websites to help me with carrying out most of the things I try.

I hope that in reading this blog, you will not only enjoy what you're reading, but also incorporate some of the things listed on this blog to help with your day to day functions. So sit back and enjoy this first class seat with this one of a kind modern day survival guide to help you through your days.

Please feel free to follow, comment, and suggest. And as always,