Thursday, July 10, 2014

What It Means To Mean Something

In this post, I am going to take a different approach to why it is I do what I do. This blog was created because of a passion. A passion that I believe in. A passion that I want to share with others to not only believe in my passion, but to allow others to be inspired to have their own passion.

I love all things electronics and teaching people about them. In the recent year, I have learned just how important it is to not only enjoy life, but how important it is to love what you do. I recently lost my job and wasn't really sure just how I was going to take care of my household and my family. But then once I got a chance to sit and reflect, I realized that being at my job was almost toxic to my life. I realized that I wasn't being the best me because I wasn't doing something that I loved. I was doing something that I was good at because I thought I had to in order to take care of responsibility. 

I was beginning to learn that in my walk in living a more meaningful life, I had to learn to see the blessing in all things both positive and negative. I then realized that me losing my job (though it wasn't something I wanted), could be viewed as a good thing. A good thing that would allow me to not only spend more meaningful, quality time with my family, but also allow me to focus on the things that I do love. Things like helping others understand how to live more meaningful lives. I love helping people. I love sharing and teaching things to people to allow them to live more enlightened lives. I know that me working for countless corporations that cared nothing about the people who worked for their companies, but more about the bottom dollar is not something that was condusive to my life. So with this blog post, I encourage all to do something that means something. It doesn't matter if it's just a hobby, or a life changing career. You never know. The smallest of things can make such an impact on not just your life, but someone else's life in such a positive way. Never think that your idea is too small or not worth it because you are worth it to do what you love. In my eyes, that is what it means to want to mean something!

1 comment:

  1. I really loved reading this. It's so easy to get caught up in the every day need to have a job or career; often its easy to get lost in that & forget your own purpose in life. This is the best motivational reminder. ♡
