Sunday, June 5, 2011

Team iPhone

If any of you have been following my previous posts, you guys would know how many issues I have been having with Verizon Wireless. Well VZW NO MORE! I managed to get out of my contract, and I officially switched to (drumroll please) AT&T. Not only did I move to a different provider, I did the unthinkable. Something I never said I would do! I am now TEAM IPHONE (yay). That's right, I purchased a 32GB White iPhone 4. For so long I was against the iphone becuase I had literally used Android phones since they came out. I was all about it's features and functionality. But now that I have my iphone, I don't see why I was so against it! Now I do admit, there was a little bit of a learning curve, but after a couple of days,  I got the hang of it! Now that it has been a little more than a month, I am a regular old whiz! I must admit, from time to time I do miss some of the android features that I had before (like some of the FREE apps I used to have), but for the most part, this iphone is a well oiled machine that just keeps it moving.

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