Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Samsumg Galaxy S III Disappointment

Most of you know that I have been busting out of the seams to use the new Samsung Galaxy S III. I am just dying to find out how this phone stacks out to my iPhone 4S. I have been SSOO interested in just finding out what little quirky features they have added that will make my life that much more simpler. I decided I was going to go to my local Verizon Wireless store to go play with it and hold it in my hands. I immediately asked for assistance because I knew there were things in particular I needed to find out that the phone did/didn't do. If any of you have ever read my blog, you guys would know that I have had a bit of issues with not only Verizon phones, but Samsung phones (see my post This Samsung Fascinte!). I have had issue with call waiting and call conferencing. Now I just KNEW that since this phone is so new and innovative, that this issue would SURELY be addressed and fixed. I go to the Verizon rep and explain specifically what I need to test because this was something that was important. We test it out, and what do we find out?? That Samsung's software STILL doesn't allow call conferencing where you can switch between calls, or merging a call while using call waiting. That literally CRUSHED me! My newest most favoritest (I know that's not a toy was gone before I even owned it. All in all I'm glad that I figured it out before I spent the money. Now I just need Samsung to work on this to make it a reality (PRETTY PLEASE w/ sugar on top)!
No Samsung for me! :(


My Mom's New Phone
My mom, my brother, and I all took a trip to our local Verizon Wireless store so I could get some information on a phone I liked. In the process, we came across a really good promotion Verizon was offering that was going to end that same night. The promotion allowed you to get any 4G phone in the store with a new 2-year agreement with $75 off the 2-year pricing. It was so weird because I literally talked to my brother no more than an hour ago about getting Cricket. Since it was a really good deal, we wound up getting him an LG Sprectrum. The phone was normally $149.99, but we paid 74.99 w/ a $50 mail-in rebate. That means his phone will come to $25! My mom was so excited she was getting a good deal, she said what the heck, I might as well get one too! I asked her if she was sure because I know how much she HATES signing contracts with the wireless companies. She said "I don't see why not?!? I'm getting a $150 phone for $25 after it's all said and done, and to be quite honest with you, we both know I'm not leaving Verizon!" I INSTANTLY got excited because I have been wanting her to upgrade to a smartphone for some time now. And the fact that she was on board just made me so happy for her.

Now my mom FINALLY has a smartphone! I know this is a good thing for her, but I also know she is going to be calling me left and right trying to figure out how to use the thing. I don't really mind because I know that it will make things simpler for the BOTH of us in the long run! :)

P.S. The first app she downloaded was Brick Breaker (she was SSOO excited for!

For more information on the LG Spectrum, visit:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man Review

I went to see the Amazing Spider Man on Tuesday and I must say, I was NOT impressed! Unfortunately I was kind of disappointed. I don't quite know what I was expecting, but I left out of the movie thinking "how many ways can you spin the same story?" OH WELL! At least I got to have some nachos while I was! :)

Apple iOS 6 Preview

When I go onto my laptop into Safari, the Apple website is the first thing that normally pops up. Unfortunately I almost always never look at it when it first pops up because I am more than likely looking for something on the internet. This time, I stopped and looked at the website. The thing that caught my eye was the iOS 6 Preview. Now I have known for some weeks now that iOS 6 is going to be coming out sometime in the fall, but I never paid much attention to what specifically was changing or updating. As I am reading over everything, I started to get excited. Not at the fact that these were incredibly AMAZING updates, but because these updates seem like they will improve functionality tremendously!

One of the features that I'm anticipating is the updated Maps. I am SSSOOO glad that I will finally be able to get AUDIBLE turn-by-turn navigation to where I am going. For all the android users, I know they could care less because Google Maps Navigation has been doing that for some time now. And to be quite honest with you, I have been using Mapquest which provides audible navigation quite well. Another feature that I think will be used quite frequently will be the Facebook integration. iOS 5 allowed us to integrate our pictures, locations, and contacts through Twitter. Now that facebook has been added to the list, it will just make using our Apple products that more interesting and cool.

One feature I think I personally could care less about would be the updated Siri (sorry Siri). As much as  I would love to say that she has made my life more simple by having her in my life, that statement just  wouldn't be true. I have tried using Siri in my everyday life, and I find that she is really effective at only making calls and sending message at BEST! 

Overall, I think that if the iPhone 5 comes out sometime this year (fingers crossed), since I'm not eligible for an upgrade anytime soon, iOS 6 will allow me the time to just wait until my upgrade date.

For more info on the iOS 6 preview, check it out here: