Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Newest Toy

I am so over the moon with my latest toy. My new Apple Macbook Pro. Now I know that this is not anything new to most people, but for me this is a BIG DEAL! Sure I have used MACs back in the day when I was in school, but have never owned one or cared to use one for my own personal use. It literally took for someone very close to me to convince me that MAC is where I need to be. For so long I have been using PC's, but I find that I do so much with them that even a PC notebook with the fastest processor was not cutting it. I really have no idea what I do that is causing my notebooks to go up, but I go thru notebooks very quickly. Now that I think about it, I get one once a year. I have had them literally "blow up" from me doing so much (I'm talking about smoke coming from the unit and! But I am hoping that even though the user interface is much different, I will be able to adjust. Especially knowing Apple's track record, I am sure this is going to be a very good investment. No more crashing, slow, notebooks w/ viruses for me. I have officially moved over to the MAC side! YYAAYY!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wireless MoneyPit

So I have been COMPLETELY obsessed with this for about a week or so now. I was thinking to myself how these wireless carriers are charging us up the wazoo every month and how we spend all this money on phones because something new comes out every other month. Since I LLOOVVEE cell phones so much, I find that when I want to take advantage of another phone, it may not always be available w/ the same carrier I have (I'm sure anybody who's wanted an iphone can relate). These wireless carriers don’t exactly make it easy for you to just switch from one carrier to the other unless you feel like paying an early termination fee which is at least $175 and could go upwards of $350. That means your looking at at least a 1yr contract to even get some kinda discount for the phone. And when you do find that phone you absolutely love, what happens if you want to switch carriers? You more than likely can't take the phone w/ you. Sure that particular carrier may have their own version of what you want, but that means shelling out more money. If you're anything like my mom, you can keep the same phone for at least three years and NEVER need a replacement. But for most, we want something new, bigger, and better. And with bigger & better comes bigger pricing! Oh boy!